Picture Gallery

In here you'll find various pictures of events that occur in this series.  Some are from the plot itself, and some are just random pics.

#1 Slash's Scar

{drawn by WhiteBladeZero}

This took place 1 year ago.  Slash was coming to save Crystal and Kilo from the Metacons, but was caught off guard by RoboSlash (making his first appearence).  Robo and Slash fought a long hard sword fight, until Robo saw an opening and sliced his Copy Saber right through Slash's left eye.  This is how Slash got his scar and eyepatch.

#2 Crystal's First Transformation Into Dark-Crystal

{drawn by WhiteBladeZero}

In this event, MEGAS finally goes on the offensive personally.  Trying to protect Angela, Crystal with her long-lost mother Sarah and the other Next-Gen Freedom Fighters try their hardest to fight off MEGAS.  Slash and Robo duke it out again, leaving Kilo and Bulk helping Crystal and Sarah.  Kilo and Bulk are quickly overrun by rival Metacons.  MEGAS lands a powerful punch on Sarah, sending her flying directly into a steel wall head first.  Weakened by the attack, Sarah tells Angela to be brave and stay strong.  She also tells Crystal to please take care of her sister.  And then, Sarah drew her last breath.  Crystal's heart began to fill with anger and sadness.  Finally, she could feel something pulsing powerfully through her body.  The transformation had begun....

#3 RoboSlash's Creation

{drawn by RLYoshi}

This happened when MEGAS ordered his robots to capture Slash. Slash was knocked out and stuck in a capsule, where his powers were copied and transferred through a tube into RoboSlash. Right before RoboSlash could destroy Slash, however, he woke up and escaped with his life. However, MEGAS now had a robot that might be able to stop Slash and the Freedom Fighters once and for all...

#4 Slash meets Askad the Bat

{drawn by PokeNinja13}

Askad the Bat {Age 16}

Askad the Bat is the descendant of Rouge and Shadow, so not only is he fast and sneaky, he has the ability to create a short Chaos Control.
When he and his childhood friend, Rin, went exploring when they were only kids, they stumbled upon an old ruin. Askad, being the adventurous
type, convinced Rin to go in with him. There was nothing inside except for a maze. They were able to get past it easily using echolocation, and
at the end was a red sword. Askad and Rin observed it, checking if there were any traps, and finally, Askad lifted it out of the pedestal. An alarm
off, and several Metacons attacked them. They escaped the ruins, but there was another army of Metacons waiting for them outside. Askad and
Rin fought off some of the attackers, but in the end, Rin was taken and Askad was "disposed" of. After the Metacons had left, the red sword
glowed with flames and Askad could feel his heart beating again. Though he is almost always carefree and strange, he hides the fact that he only
wants to find his friend. It's what keeps him alive, and he is devoted to destroying the Metacons and finding Rin.

While Slash was sneaking around in the confines of a Metacon base, he noticed that there was a shadow hanging from the ceiling. He squinted at
it, trying to figure out what it was. Unfortunately, a hover droid caught him off guard. It was just about to sound the alarm when it was cut in half. The
shadow on the ceiling was Askad the bat, and he cut the droid clean in half. He helped Slash find the information that he needed and get out of the
base without having to draw much attention to themselves.

#5 Ruby Worries for Kilo

{drawn by WhiteBladeZero}

Kilo has been working on the Freedom Star for a few days and nights, non-stop.  He's determined to make it fly faster than before.  Meanwhile, every night, Ruby has been standing outside of his hut with a lot on her mind.  Even on cold, blustery nights like tonight.

Since she secretly like-likes Kilo, she doesn't know what to do to help him.  "Should I tell him?" she often wonders.  "Should I really tell him about how I feel..?"

#6 Crystal & Angela at the Beach

{drawn by WhiteBladeZero}

This takes place some time after the war (yes, the war will end someday).

Crystal and her sister, Angela, enjoy a quiet afternoon on the beach.  As Crystal looks off to the horizon, she wonders what will happen now that the fighting is done...

#7 Teenager Angela

{drawn by WhiteBladeZero}

This is just a little thought I came up with.  "What would little Angela look like when she gets older?"  THIS was the result.

Picture this:  Crystal, Slash, and Kilo are in combat with a time-traveling rogue robot from the future.  The robot opens a portal when the trio are out of steam and tries to escape, but Crystal had just enough energy to go in after it.  They both wound up 12 years in the future.  The robot had vanished after they arrived.  Soon after, Crystal runs into a 19-year-old Kilo, who explains to her what's been happening over the last 12 years.  "After I told Angela the news," he said, "she didn't come out of her room for weeks.  She felt like she was truly alone.  It took Slash and Ruby to get her out, thank goodness.  Over the years, Slash has been taking care of Angela and trained her to become as powerful as you are and to become a great swordsman like him.  The training went well, too.  But then, about 4 years ago, Slash was killed in a huge explosion.  Angela has completely changed since then.  She's changed from a sweet, innocent little girl into a strong, hard, and reckless warrior."  It was hard for Crystal to hear and see...